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Monday, March 21st 2011, 12:24pm

Author: spudsdailey

Water Leak

I appreciate your help; but where did I mislead you?? No I dont have a submersible pump, it is gravity fed to my my garage where I have a pressure reg, filter, and valve controller.

Wednesday, March 16th 2011, 9:56am

Author: spudsdailey

leak in pipe

There is no water meter; water comes from a lake 600' of head. When I turn the valve off to the main line, no water leak. When valve is turned on, you can hear a slight movement of water thru system (pressure reg, filter). I am certain the leak is in the main 3" line. There are no leaks in the valves on the laterals. Thank you for your help.

Tuesday, March 15th 2011, 4:31pm

Author: spudsdailey

leak in pipe

Thank you for you input. I know the valves are not leaking; the leak is in the mail line, which is a 3" Sched 80 pvc, about 500 ft long. The static pressure is about 100psi. Of course my concern is that eventually a small leak turns into a large one. At that size pipe and pressure, it would do some damage. As there are 9 laterals, each one having about a 1 hour watering schedule, putting in a valve on the main really does not make sense as a precaution. Any other ideas.

Monday, March 14th 2011, 3:59pm

Author: spudsdailey

leak in pipe

I have several thousand feet of 2" PVC pipe, with several stations. When all valves are closed there is a small amount of water going thru my pressure regulator. The valves do not leak, so there must be a mainline slow leak. Is anyone aware of an electronic device to either buy or rent to detect small leaks in pipes 2-3 feet underground? There is a firm called "Leak Detectors" that have a device, but they are expensive due to the distance traveled to my property. Thank you