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Friday, April 7th 2006, 4:26am

Author: oars69

360 vs. Adjustable

The thought I had was that the 360 adjustables travel in one direction, then they stop for a short time, then they begin to move in the opposite direction, then get to the end of the 360 degree path and stop again before changing directions and so on and so on. I was thinking that the area of grass that is by the stop point would receive more water then the rest of the path. Make sense? If that's not the issue, why does Hunter make the same head in a non-adjustable version? What is the benefit?

Friday, April 7th 2006, 4:19am

Author: oars69

360 vs. Adjustable

Description says 40 to 360 degrees on the adjustables

Thursday, April 6th 2006, 9:44am

Author: oars69

360 vs. Adjustable

I have a number of heads that need to rotate 360 degrees. Currently I have the Hunter adjustable heads that rotate 360 in one direction, stop and then reverse direction for another 360 degrees. Is there any advantage to replacing them with the 360 degree heads that (I assume) don't rotate back and forth? Thanks. -Jim