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Thursday, March 24th 2005, 3:32pm

Author: texian00

Head to Head Spacing

Thanks, that makes sense.

Thursday, March 24th 2005, 10:32am

Author: texian00

Head to Head Spacing

I'm doing my layout with Autocad and I really do not know how to post the drawing on this website. I have a water well and my design pressure is 47 pounds at 13 gpm. Once I leave the immediate area around my house (where I want to use the RB 1800's) the area is just a big open yard (where I was planning on using the RB AG-5). Should I put my first RB AG-5 only 15 feet away from the last RB 1800? Surely you wouldn't want to use the RB 1800's over the entire area (about an acre). Thanks for the re...

Tuesday, March 22nd 2005, 4:16pm

Author: texian00

Head to Head Spacing

Is this such a dumb question as not to deserve an answer?

Thursday, March 3rd 2005, 9:23am

Author: texian00

Head to Head Spacing

I am a newbie. I am trying to design a sprinkler system for my rather large yard. (several acres) Around my house and curved sidewalks I am planning on installing pop-up spray heads (Rainbird 1804). Once I get into the large open areas I am thinking about using impact rotors such as RB AG-5. I know about head to head spacing and I know not to mix the two different type sprinklers on the same zone. What I need to know is when I transition from the 15' spray heads to the 37' impacts what type of s...