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Sunday, June 12th 2005, 1:03pm

Author: Gremlin274

Weathermatic T3 Rotor Adjustments

Help! We have lost the key used to adjust the spray on our rotors. Where can we get another rotor key? I have looked on the weathermatic site, but I can't figure out which tool is the correct one we want. There is something listed as a Weathermatic screwdriver, but I don't know if that is the right one or not.

Sunday, June 12th 2005, 12:57pm

Author: Gremlin274

Weathermatic Controller Remote

WE have an Weathermatic Plus 12 Zone Controller and are sick and tired of running all the way to the garage from the back yard to change zones when playing with the spinklers and doing adjustments,etc. Does the Remote work well with the system for the money? Does it have to be in the "line of sight" of the controller to work? Ours is appoximately 250 feet from the furthest part of our property and would be around one corner of the garage. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks