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Tuesday, March 9th 2004, 9:16am

Author: JohnsChris

Computer controlled controller

At work we have a pretty large compound with around 16-20 zones. We are looking for a controller we can operate via our network on the computer. We want to be able to connect moisture sensors in each zone, and monitor them all via a computer in an office or from home. Does anyone make a high-tech controller like that? Thank you.

Monday, March 8th 2004, 8:17am

Author: JohnsChris

Dual Sensors

I was wondering if it is possible to run both the rain and the soil moisture sensors on my RainBird ESP. I know it only has a connection for one, but I was wondering if it was possible to piggyback them. The reason I would want to is to watch the status of my soil and have the sprinklers shut off when it's at my preset level. As well as that, I would want the rain sensor to stop my system when it starts to rail. I know it is an odd question, but if anyone could tell me if it is possible, or if e...