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Monday, April 30th 2012, 8:00am

Author: Blue520

1 Zone has very low pressure

I'm not really sure where the diaphragm would go. Is this something relatively simple to do, or should I hire a contractor?

Sunday, April 29th 2012, 3:31pm

Author: Blue520

1 Zone has very low pressure

Okay here is what I found out over the weekend. I found the valve for the effected zone and when I turn it on manually there is plenty of pressure for that zone. Does this mean I just need to replace the solenoid valve for this zone? For whatever reason it appears that when I use the controller to control that valve it doesn't open all the way becuase the pressure is very low. Thanks everyone for their help.

Wednesday, April 25th 2012, 8:04pm

Author: Blue520

1 Zone has very low pressure

Thanks guys. This will be a stupid question, but this is my first sprinkler system and I inherited it. Does each zone have its own valve and solenoid? The reason I ask is I've been able to locate 2 valves in the yard, but that's it. I can't find any more. If each zone has its own valve is it generally located near the heads in that zone? Thanks again.