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Wednesday, July 11th 2012, 8:47am

Author: kevreh

Using Snap Tee's

Oh I meant regular off the shelf pvc from the big box stores. But it looks like the Kwik Slip adapters work with both types of PVC. Being in Northern VA vib. trenchers are commonly used and preferred due to less mess/damage to existing grass. Of the professional installers I talked to its a pretty even split between using pvc and poly. Either way you have to winterize the lines.

Tuesday, July 10th 2012, 4:45pm

Author: kevreh

Using Snap Tee's

So, whats the most common method of connecting sprinkler heads to pvc pipe. Or let me back up, when using pvc, do most installers use a trencher (so the trench is open and you can easily move the pipe around) or a vibratory trencher (which, based on what your saying, would be harder to tap into). Seems like the vib. trencher makes more sense for the poly pipe. In terms of tapping into the pipe these seem the way to go for poly: A...

Tuesday, July 10th 2012, 1:44pm

Author: kevreh

Using Snap Tee's

I'm still learning so I apologize if this has been addressed before. If pvc is installed using a vibratory trencher, then the pipe is in place with earth on top of it. How would it be possible to cut the pvc, spread the pipe a couple inches to make room for the 't' since the pipe is in the ground???