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Thursday, May 9th 2013, 12:11pm

Author: lkool

Chicken or Egg?

Quoted from "mrfixit" No, I'd try to get those elbows under the ground if possible so the only exposed pipe is the one going straight down next to the wall. This totally makes sense and it is what I am going to try to do. I am not sure that there is much ground to work with. So i might not be able to get deep enough to do this. If that is the case would you recommend digging even deeper and running pipes down and then up to achieve the desired result? Or possible running the sideways?

Wednesday, May 8th 2013, 11:43pm

Author: lkool

Chicken or Egg?

I think I am following you. I've attached a very simple drawing, is this what you are proposing the final pipe would look like?

Wednesday, May 8th 2013, 9:55pm

Author: lkool

Chicken or Egg?

I am a new to the sprinkler system world. I am starting up my system for the first time. I was running one zone at a time and checking to see that things looked good. The first 4 zones were good, when I switched to the 5th zone, I came out of the garage and heard gushing water. Water was shooting out the PVB as well as a gasket in the PVC pipe under the PVB. My question is, what caused this and what came first? Is it a bad PVB that caused the gasket to fail or is it a failing gasket that is caus...