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Friday, June 18th 2004, 11:50am

The irrigation company came back to the house and tried switching heads, without success. This weekend, I will try to design a circuit that turns off the HVAC systems when the irrigation system is running. I believe I can tap into the aux. pump control output on the irrigation controller. According to the irrigation company, this output is normally used to control a well pump relay, and it becomes active (on) when the irrigation system is operating. I can design a circuit that senses the signal at this output and disables the HVAC units. The irrigation company says the controller can have 4 different programs, so they can divide the zones, having 5 zones water on, for example, Mon., Wed. and Fri., and 6 zones on Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Then, they say it can be further divided so that, for example, zones 1-3 start at 2 am and operate for 1 hour, then the HVAC systems operate at 3 am to re-cool the house (in the event it warmed up), and the remaining zones start at 4 am.

We shall see how well this works.


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