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Location: USA


Wednesday, May 24th 2006, 1:18pm

Not enough pressure

I have installed a 2 zone system in a small yard. The supply is from the city water plumbed from the house to my valve box. I have 52 psi on the supply pressure from the house, but when I activate one of the zones, it barely has any pressure to the heads. I can't figure out why I am losing so much pressure to my heads. I am using pop-ups and some rotary heads on this system. 3/4" poly pipe as my main line and down to 1/2" funny pipe to each head. The system is brand new and we haven't laid any sod yet so I am able to inspect the whole system. I am open to any ideas as to why I don't have adequate pressure here. Leaving the pressure gauge in the system, when a zone is activated, I end up with 30 psi on the supply pressure...could that mean that I have too many heads per zone? There are 6 heads on each zone. Thanks for any input.


Supreme Member


Wednesday, May 24th 2006, 1:45pm

When you get that much pressure drop...generally is is something simple...

I would suspect the meter valve not open all the way....a supply valve not open all the way....pressure regulator prior to your sprinkler line tap is turned way down.

Or you have way too many heads on each zone.
Sprinkler Solutions, Inc.
Arizona and Colorado

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