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Posts: 4

Location: USA


Tuesday, October 12th 2004, 11:02am

Need advice on a bad installation

I just had a system put in yesterday and I am fuming today. I had about seven quotes to install a system to water appox. 21,000sqft along with some sprayers for the beds around the house. The quotes ranged from 2,500 to 6,800 with the majority around the 3,500 - 3,800 range. I asked for I20 rotors, RB pop-ups, and a RB-LXi 12 zone controller. I was told that it would be a 9-10 zone system with about 40 heads and 10 sprayers. The company I picked said that they would do the job for 3,350 and had good references.

Well, I checked it out last night and they totally ignored the far side of my driveway, only put in 30 rotors total and no sprayers. I don't think they are space correctly and areas of my lawn are not even getting water on it and the beds have been overlooked, not to mention they only put in a 8 zone controller and only ended up putting 5 zones on the system. And on top of that, the fittings on the inside of my house and where it connects to the backflow valve are dripping. I have already call to complain, but he won't be back till tomorrow - I am steaming....

How many rotors can you put on a zone if my water pressure is 55 at the spigot and my well pump is 1hp delivering 18gal per min? I ask this because the spray coming from the heads that are working (some are not)are only arching out about 15 feet or less. It looks like he put 5-6 heads on a zone. Do you think he will need to rip up all of the buried pipe to configure the space properly, because I think he will need to install some more zones to make up for the areas of the lawn that are not covered?

Sorry to be rambling --- I'm just PO'd. Any advice you can give will be helpful. thanks
Mike S


Supreme Member


Thursday, October 21st 2004, 11:28am

On advice, but I'll love to hear an update on how things went with the installer.


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Posts: 230

Location: USA


Wednesday, October 27th 2004, 3:59am

What I forgot to mention is that you should inquire about the contarctor if it is being subbed out by the developer. An irrigation system is not like the guy thats doing the plastering, roof, or siding on the house. These are usually unless you have problems a one shot deal and the job is done. With irrigation you need to establish a relationship with the contractor who will back up his work and be there for the seasons to come to service and repair.

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